Having cut some fabric pieces yesterday, this morning was spent setting up the sewing machine to run with the bonded nylon thread. Long time readers will know that I normally sew with either Coats Epic 120 Tkt or 75 Tkt thread. Though a lot thinner than most people use, the cored construction of the Coats Epic thread means that it is significantly stronger than spun threads of a similar size and my Orange 4m pilot which is sewn in the thinner 120Tkt thread shows no sign of any failures in the stitching after year years of regular flying.

After much adjusting I finally managed to get a nice balanced stitch using the 40Tkt Bonded Nylon I am using for this year’s project. Then with only a few bits to sew, it wasn’t long before all the pieces were stitched as far as they can be without the rest of the pattern and the fabric.

Having checked to see whether or not I can trace the patterns through the fabric, I have now reduced the pattern down to 2off sheets 1.5m x 5m, so I’ll get them shipped off for printing and the blue fabric ordered tomorrow. I’ll leave off ordering the remaining 50m of white until I need it. I have 21m in stock but need 71m total.