I arrived home this evening to find the hall full of packages, three packages to be correct, and a fourth one in the living room. The three in the hall proved to be the windows and the rooflight, and the one in the living room the adhesive and bedding compound.

The first packaged to be opened contained the roof light and the 550mm x 550mm window. On unpacking the window for inspection Leng commented that it was too big for the van, what she hasn’t seen yet are the two big 900mm x 550mm windows which are nearly twice as big.

The plan is to cut all the holes over the Easter weekend, patch over with polythene film and fit the inner wooden frames and localised lining over the ensuing days and then fit the windows. If this is going to happen I need to purchase the required timber, particularly the the plywood lining before the window holes are cut, so I need to take my last day’s holiday before the end of the month, and take Leng and the van to get what we will need.