Its amazing how big the living room appear to be now that the fridge has gone, but you don’t notice that its in the van. Checking the solar regulator despite the fridge running all day the regulator is showing the batteries to be on the cusp of full charge: the third red LED is flashing as is the charging LED. This is quite satisfying since the panel only get direct sunlight first thing in the morning when the sun is low in the sky and for the rest of the day the panel is in the shade. All things considered it looks like we will be self sufficient in energy once the van is out in the sun for most of the day.
This evening I applied what will hopefully be my last strip of veneer edging, trimmed the edge, punched in any exposed pins in the front wall and filled all the holes ready for sanding and varnishing tomorrow. I also sanded off the cupboard fascias which I had filled yesterday Five coats of varnish and the front seating area and the galley will be finished barring the making and the fitting of the cupboard door. Whilst I’m on about the cupboard doors I note that I have had an email to say the door catches have been dispatched.