It must be the kid in me but I do love receiving and opening parcels even if I do know what is in them and today there was a steady stream of them. First to arrive, just as I was leaving for work, was the table top and leg, though I nearly didn’t get table top. The courier had the leg in his cab and came to the door with it, and it was only when I pointed out that his handheld device was asking me to sign for two parcels that he went back and looked in the back of his van and found the table top.

With the postman came an 8mm elbow gas compression fitting, and whilst I was a work the Royal Mail delivered some black fireproof fabric sourced from Jean at ‘Fabrics-n-Stuff’, and some continuous zip and sliders from my usual supplier on e-bay. Finally another courier delivered the flooring and seating fabric

Thus it was that I sat down this evening and made the first of the seat covers, if you can remember way back when we originally covered the seating foam (chopped up Ikea mattresses) with the fabric from a couple of cheap Tesco duvet covers, I intend to leave these in place to ease the fitting and removal of the new covers which will be zipped on one edge. Due to the cost of the final fabric only the visible faces and edges covered with it, the rest of the cover is made up from a black fire retardant fabric. I have to say I was quite pleased with the first of the covers, however I will have to hold off completing the rest as I have run out of the grey thread that I am using to quilt the visible face.