I didn’t manage to get much completed this weekend. Saturday was almost a total right off as I didn’t manage to get much more than an hours work done on the van. Sunday was a bit better, but I ended up having to make a 1hour excursion to B&Q in Stevenage to pickup a new profile router bit as I had another bearing explode on me.

However the main problem is that I am working on the upper half of the bulkhead and everything is having to be fabricated in the van with compound curves.

As can be seen from the photograph the cab is all sheeted off to reduce the amount of dust from the router getting in to the cab, I have tried the router its with dust extraction fitting attached to the vacuum cleaner but it is just too unwieldy and it blocks any view of the router bit. Anyway barring routing off and veneering the edges the hole is now complete and I just need to do the pelmet/shelf and the top section of the bulkhead. The latter should be possible to do outside the van using a template once I have made it. Though I am torn between having a pelmet/shelf  or bringing the upper wall forward and having cupboards.