When we got home on Monday we were hit by a major power cut. Apparently this was due to a major substation failure which blacked out about 30,000 homes in Baldock and surround towns. Some people were back on power within 15minutes whereas we were off for about 2 hours. The cut also hit work, and although the servers all did a controlled shutdown, I lost two server hard drives and a PC hard drive. The NAS just needed a replacement drive in the RAID array and it rebuilt it self. The firewall server and the PC needed a total rebuild and there are several other PCs that need cleaning so today and for the next few days I’m doing 07:00 – 14:00 shifts instead of  my regular 09:00 – 17:00 days thus reducing the impact on the other staff.

With most of the afternoon at home I cleared the remainder of bedding and made a start on the toilet wall. By 20:30 it was too dark to continue working outside but by this time I had the reveal frame in place around the toilet window. With the nights closing in as rapidly as they are, work on the van is probably going to have to be restricted to weekends only thus I shall make the most of the next few days.