In a departure from the Superhero series, 2018 saw the introduction of the Anime/Manga Series with Yoshika Miyafuji making her debut at the Thailand International Kite Festival in Hua Hin. From the Strike Witch series of publications and amimation Sergeant Yoshika Miyafuji is the first Strike Witch from the 501st Joint Fighter Wing to be constucted.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Yoshika Miyafuji – Render

3D render of Yoshika Miyafuji

Yoshika Miyafuji – Head Test

Test inflation of Yoshika Miyafuji’s head

Yoshika Miyafuji – Test

Full inflation test of Yoshika Miyafuji

Yoshika Miyafuji

Rear quarter view

Yoshika Miyafuji

Rear quarter view